Bleasby Primary School

Bleasby Church of England Primary School
As a primary school, welcoming children from the September after their 4th birthday, and able to keep them with us and enjoy their growth and development right up until they leave for their secondary education which starts in the September after their 11Th birthday.
Along with our linked secondary school, the Minster School in Southwell, we are an academy with the Minster Trust for Education (MITRE). This means that we are very well-supported with expert guidance and are part of a community of schools that work together to give the very best school experience for children.
As a Church of England voluntary controlled school, Christian distinctiveness is very important to us. Our Christian values support our diverse community where all people feel equally included and valued, whatever their faith or non-faith. Our Governing Body is made up of people with a wide variety of expertise and experience; we work together to ensure our vision and values run through everything that we do in school. The feeling of community and family is very strong in our school. The children all know and care about one another, with the older children being good role models for the younger children, offering friendship and support.
Bleasby C of E is a village school, surrounded by countryside which we are pleased to be able to enjoy and experience. We know that our school is an important part of the villages which our children come from. If you would like to visit our school or ask us for more information, please contact Mrs Meaden in the school office on 01636 830203 or by email on [email protected]
Mrs Cast, Head Teacher